Computer & Electronics in Delhi | Advertise free online
Explore a world of technology and innovation with the vast array of products available in the Computer & Electronics category on Whether you're a tech enthusiast in search of the latest gadgets or a seller looking to connect with buyers, our platform offers a comprehensive marketplace for all your electronic needs. From laptops to drones, cameras to smartwatches, find a diverse range of products to elevate your digital lifestyle. Buyers can choose from both new and used items, while sellers can easily list their products for free to reach a wide audience.
if you are looking latest technology-supported free-to-air satellite receiver then it is India’s only set-top box that supports DVB-S2x with HEVC 10bits. You can receive maximum free-to-air satellite TV channels using this free-to-air DVB-S + DVB-S2 + DVB-S2X + MPEG-2 + MPEG-4 + HEVC 8 Bits + HEVC 10 Bits FTA Set-Top box with 1080p high definition resolution...
₹ 2000.00
9 months agoOther items in Computer & ElectronicsNewSell121 people viewed
HDS2X-7290 :- This set top box supports free-to-air so you don’t need to recharge every month. In this you get the channel free for lifetime. 8bit :- This set-top box supports HEVC 8bit color which gives you bright color view. DVB-S2X ;- This set top box comes with DVB-S2X feature. If in future DVB-S2X channel is launched then this set top box will support, ...
₹ 1660.00
9 months agoOther items in Computer & ElectronicsNewSell149 people viewed
This set-top box supports free-to-air. You can watch YouTube by installing a WiFi adapter in this set-top box. This set-top box supports both MPEG2 and MPEG4 and this set-top box supports both SD channels and HD channels. It is channel-free for lifetime and you do not need to recharge every month. FEATURES & FUNCTIONS 1-Support EXTERNAL USB WiFi Antenna ...
₹ 1270.00
9 months agoOther items in Computer & ElectronicsNewSell81 people viewed
FEATURES & FUNCTIONS Lom Threshold Point for Better Picture Reception New High Gain tuner to Improve the Quality of week Signal Picture in Graphics (PIG) OSD (On Screen Display) Mao/Video Output Fixed RP output for BfW TV. Mina Search, Quick Auto Scan Process Automatic Search for Newly Added Transponders Video Games 3 Digital LED Display Last Channel Mem...
₹ 624.00
10 months agoOther items in Computer & ElectronicsNewSell140 people viewed
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