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Google Ads campaign services help businesses create and manage ad campaigns to reach their target audience. These services can include campaign creation, optimization, and tracking.
Campaign creation
Choose an objective: Select the goal of your campaign, such as brand awareness or sales
Add business information: Provide your business name, website, and any relevant Google accounts
Create your ad: Add images, videos, logos, and keywords, and preview them in different ad formats
Set up conversion tracking: If you're optimizing for conversions, set up tracking before launching your campaign
Campaign optimization
Use AI
Google's AI can find the best ad combinations to maximize your c...
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Google Ads campaign services help businesses create and manage ad campaigns to reach their target audience. These services can include campaign creation, optimization, and tracking.
Campaign creation
- Choose an objective: Select the goal of your campaign, such as brand awareness or sales
- Add business information: Provide your business name, website, and any relevant Google accounts
- Create your ad: Add images, videos, logos, and keywords, and preview them in different ad formats
- Set up conversion tracking: If you're optimizing for conversions, set up tracking before launching your campaign
Campaign optimization
Google's AI can find the best ad combinations to maximize your campaign's results
Use Google's budget-optimizing automation to track conversions and learn more about your audience
Google Ads may send notifications about issues that could affect your campaign's performance
Campaign tracking
- Track your campaign's performance
Use Google Ads to track your campaign's performance and get insights about your audience
- Analyze your campaign's data
Use Google Ads to help you make sense of your campaign's data and plan your next strategy