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I participated in investment scams . They requested commission before they would release the capital amount that I intended to withdraw. The withdrawal has already been finished, but my account hasn't yet been credited with it. I had read so many stories about BanninkSolutions and how they recovered lost money and they were useful in getting my money back...
5 Step Recovery for Victims of Investment Fraud Scams
Step 1: Report the investment fraud should be reported to Financial Conduct Authority. ...
Step 2: stop Contact with the scams ...
Step 3: File All Fraud Documentation ...
Step 4: Speak to an Investment Fraud/recovery Lawyer( search BanninkSolutions on google) ...
Step 5: Proceed with Ba...
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I participated in investment scams . They requested commission before they would release the capital amount that I intended to withdraw. The withdrawal has already been finished, but my account hasn't yet been credited with it. I had read so many stories about BanninkSolutions and how they recovered lost money and they were useful in getting my money back...
5 Step Recovery for Victims of Investment Fraud Scams
Step 1: Report the investment fraud should be reported to Financial Conduct Authority. ...
Step 2: stop Contact with the scams ...
Step 3: File All Fraud Documentation ...
Step 4: Speak to an Investment Fraud/recovery Lawyer( search BanninkSolutions on google) ...
Step 5: Proceed with BanninkSolutions to get your money back .
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