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Sildenafil, an FDA-approved medication used to treat male erectile dysfunction, is the active ingredient in Malegra 25. Since its initial release in 1998, it has become the most popular drug for erectile dysfunction. This medication activates rapidly and has a four-hour half-life. It works for males of any age, regardless of how long the patient has had trouble getting and maintaining an erection.
A male dysfunction medication called Malegra 25 mg is prescribed to treat sexual dysfunction issues. It aids in impotence, or the inability to obtain an erection, and erectile dysfunction, or the inability to maintain an erection.
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Sildenafil, an FDA-approved medication used to treat male erectile dysfunction, is the active ingredient in Malegra 25. Since its initial release in 1998, it has become the most popular drug for erectile dysfunction. This medication activates rapidly and has a four-hour half-life. It works for males of any age, regardless of how long the patient has had trouble getting and maintaining an erection.
A male dysfunction medication called Malegra 25 mg is prescribed to treat sexual dysfunction issues. It aids in impotence, or the inability to obtain an erection, and erectile dysfunction, or the inability to maintain an erection.